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Get Involved in Unity Network Global Conference Calls. Connect @UnityMeetings to Signup #Volunteer #Help More Info:

The Unity Network Hosts a variety of Global Conference Calls.
The best way to get involved is to make sure you are on the Email Lists as well as the Facebook and Twitter Groups for the Unity Network, as well as Unity Meetings.

For a List of Other Calendars and Upcoming Meetings look Here: https://unitynet.titanpad.com/Calendars
Because we are a global Network, we schedule our Meeting / conference calls using natural cycles that randomly decide who is going to have to be up in the middle of the night.
You can choose to be involved at different intervals depending on how often you would like to contribute.
The Primary Planetary Triad Calendars have as few as 2-3 Sessions per year, or for all Triads about 10 sessions per year.
We have many different types of Sessions with all different frequencies of involvement from there, and the Lunar Sessions definitely have the highest frequency with as many as 6-10 per month.
Also for people who couldn’t otherwise be involved, we offer small stipends or small hourly wages to get involved as a Unity Network Session Support Staff.
For More information or to get help with the Scheduling contact Jay (415) 323-5833 jay(at)jayslife.net skype a0000d


FQN Mars Experience & CommUnity Mars Session this Saturday! Join Us.

FQN • Community • CommUnity • Unity • Empowering Individuals and Local Communities http://UnityNet.info (415) 323-5822 PO Box 20175 Stanford CA 94309

Hey Friends, Family & Colleges,

Movement Organizing and social innovation is my passion, and I have been working many years to make headway towards seeing changes in our society, and this is very difficult. For me, my overall goal is simply to improve the user experience of being a person on this planet. The ebbs and flows of the movements have come and gone, but my passion and work for uniting movements and people together has not wavered. Currently we are in a political cycle, the outcome of which should be a divided congress and democratic president, but overall a dysfunctional government at all levels in relation to our 21st century society. Unfortunately the movement connection to our current political cycle has dissipated, but I am already planning ahead for the next social wave that has the potential to change the world, and you are invited to get involved however you wish. The more prepared we are the better.

I am writing you to tell you about our current activities, and to invite you to participate either through moral support, resource support, or to actually join us to experience connecting and interacting together to create the world that works best for each one of us. You may already have a transformative network that you are supporting, but if not, then please do consider us.

In addition to the CommUnity Network – “Putting Unity Back into Community!”, the Unity Network – “Uniting all Peoples and Social Movements”, we are also introducing FQN (FreQuency Network), which is working to implement new global interaction systems based on natural temporal frequencies, and opportunities for social conscious experimentation at a global level.

For those of you who are ready to jump in and start interacting together, this Saturday is a great time to start. We have the Mars Cycle, which only comes around about once per year. There will be a FQN Mars Experience at 4pm PST, 7p EST, 10p UTC, which will be open to any happening, no agenda. And the CommUnity Mars Session at 5p PST, 8p EST, 11p UTC which will be a structured meeting with an agenda (anyone can add any proposed agenda topics). You can join us via Conference Call, Google Hangouts, or other interaction methods: http://wc.tc/GlobalCalls
For the Mars Session Facebook Event Reminder: https://www.facebook.com/events/597188380419565/

For those who can’t make this Saturday but are interested in getting involved, we are starting weekly Community Saturday’s – “One Saturday A Month Can Change the World”. Just choose a Saturday, tell everyone your busy, and join us. The FQN Saturday Experience starts every Saturday 7p UTC [12noon PST, 3p EST]. Then at 8p UTC [1p PST, 4p EST] is the CommUnity Saturday Session followed immediately by the Support Society. In the Support Society we focus on LIFE Support, Org Support, and help support each other with any issues, question, goals that you have as an individual or a project/organization you are involved in. To connect just go to http://wc.tc/GlobalCalls.

For those who are ready to get these events in your Calendar, you can link the activities to your Google Calendar at these links:
UTC-6 [Americas Time]: http://unity.network.wc.tc/Calendars/UTC-6.html
UTC-0 [EurAfrica Time]: http://unity.network.wc.tc/Calendars/UTC-0.html
UTC+6 [AustrAsia Time]: http://unity.network.wc.tc/Calendars/UTC+6.html

Additionally for those who want to plan ahead, the Jupiter Cycle is coming up on Feb 18th, 2017 ~6am UTC. The Jupiter cycle only comes around every 6 years or so. Be there or be square.

For those who don’t have time to get involved but do want to support our transformative movement, please considering giving resources that have value. We function utilizing a Distributive Resource Allocation System, and a Distributive Fundraising System, as we are raising funds and resources for various projects and organizations throughout the network. This means that after you give or donate that you get to decide where the funds will go and how they will be spend depending on how involved you want to be. This could be an in-kind donation, or buying one of fundraising products. We have a line of holiday food bake sale items, as well as t-shirts that will be coming out soon, but you can also check the products we currently have on our Unity Store: http://UnityStores.net If you need help with anything, we offer various services to help fundraise. And for those who would just like to make a donation or an investment, you can do so here: http://wc.tc/Donate Again if you do make a donation, you will get an opportunity to tell us where exactly you want the money to go within our network.

Ok I think that is enough for now. Thanks for your consideration.


Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera
PO Box 20175
Stanford CA 94309

PO Box 20175 – Stanford CA 94305 United States – (415) 323-5833

Vote! / Direct Democracy:

Volunteer! / Participatory Democracy:

Represent! / Representative Democracy:


Shop at Unity Store & #Give to Help #Unite All People’s & Social Movements of the World www.UnityStores.net More info:

Go to the New Unity Store where you can shop and buy things while helping support the Unity Network and our goal of Uniting all People’s and Social Movements of the World for Societal Transformation.
Of course there are other options to give:
Umbrella Crowdfunding Campaign: http://wc.tc/unite Donations Link: http://wc.tc/Donate Crowdwill Crowdfunding: http://crowdwill.org/campaigns/category/unity-network/
Thanks for your Support
– Unity Network

Get Involved in Unity Network Global Conference Calls. Connect @UnityMeetings to Signup #Volunteer #Help More Info:

The Unity Network Hosts a variety of Global Conference Calls.
The best way to get involved is to make sure you are on the Email Lists as well as the Facebook and Twitter Groups for the Unity Network, as well as Unity Meetings.

For a List of Other Calendars and Upcoming Meetings look Here: https://unitynet.titanpad.com/Calendars
Because we are a global Network, we schedule our Meeting / conference calls using natural cycles that randomly decide who is going to have to be up in the middle of the night.
You can choose to be involved at different intervals depending on how often you would like to contribute.
The Primary Planetary Triad Calendars have as few as 2-3 Sessions per year, or for all Triads about 10 sessions per year.
We have many different types of Sessions with all different frequencies of involvement from there, and the Lunar Sessions definitely have the highest frequency with as many as 6-10 per month.
Also for people who couldn’t otherwise be involved, we offer small stipends or small hourly wages to get involved as a Unity Network Session Support Staff.
For More information or to get help with the Scheduling contact Jay (415) 323-5833 jay(at)jayslife.net skype a0000d


Shop at Unity Store & #Give to Help #Unite All People’s & Social Movements of the World www.UnityStores.net More info:

Go to the New Unity Store where you can shop and buy things while helping support the Unity Network and our goal of Uniting all People’s and Social Movements of the World for Societal Transformation.
Of course there are other options to give:
Umbrella Crowdfunding Campaign: http://wc.tc/unite Donations Link: http://wc.tc/Donate Crowdwill Crowdfunding: http://crowdwill.org/campaigns/category/unity-network/
Thanks for your Support
– Unity Network

Get Involved in Unity Network Global Conference Calls. Connect @UnityMeetings to Signup #Volunteer #Help More Info:

The Unity Network Hosts a variety of Global Conference Calls.
The best way to get involved is to make sure you are on the Email Lists as well as the Facebook and Twitter Groups for the Unity Network, as well as Unity Meetings.

For a List of Other Calendars and Upcoming Meetings look Here: https://unitynet.titanpad.com/Calendars
Because we are a global Network, we schedule our Meeting / conference calls using natural cycles that randomly decide who is going to have to be up in the middle of the night.
You can choose to be involved at different intervals depending on how often you would like to contribute.
The Primary Planetary Triad Calendars have as few as 2-3 Sessions per year, or for all Triads about 10 sessions per year.
We have many different types of Sessions with all different frequencies of involvement from there, and the Lunar Sessions definitely have the highest frequency with as many as 6-10 per month.
Also for people who couldn’t otherwise be involved, we offer small stipends or small hourly wages to get involved as a Unity Network Session Support Staff.
For More information or to get help with the Scheduling contact Jay (415) 323-5833 jay(at)jayslife.net skype a0000d


Shop at Unity Store & #Give to Help #Unite All People’s & Social Movements of the World www.UnityStores.net More info:

Go to the New Unity Store where you can shop and buy things while helping support the Unity Network and our goal of Uniting all People’s and Social Movements of the World for Societal Transformation.
Of course there are other options to give:
Umbrella Crowdfunding Campaign: http://wc.tc/unite Donations Link: http://wc.tc/Donate Crowdwill Crowdfunding: http://crowdwill.org/campaigns/category/unity-network/
Thanks for your Support
– Unity Network

Get Involved in Unity Network Global Conference Calls. Connect @UnityMeetings to Signup #Volunteer #Help More Info:

The Unity Network Hosts a variety of Global Conference Calls.
The best way to get involved is to make sure you are on the Email Lists as well as the Facebook and Twitter Groups for the Unity Network, as well as Unity Meetings.

For a List of Other Calendars and Upcoming Meetings look Here: https://unitynet.titanpad.com/Calendars
Because we are a global Network, we schedule our Meeting / conference calls using natural cycles that randomly decide who is going to have to be up in the middle of the night.
You can choose to be involved at different intervals depending on how often you would like to contribute.
The Primary Planetary Triad Calendars have as few as 2-3 Sessions per year, or for all Triads about 10 sessions per year.
We have many different types of Sessions with all different frequencies of involvement from there, and the Lunar Sessions definitely have the highest frequency with as many as 6-10 per month.
Also for people who couldn’t otherwise be involved, we offer small stipends or small hourly wages to get involved as a Unity Network Session Support Staff.
For More information or to get help with the Scheduling contact Jay (415) 323-5833 jay(at)jayslife.net skype a0000d


Shop at Unity Store & #Give to Help #Unite All People’s & Social Movements of the World www.UnityStores.net More info:

Go to the New Unity Store where you can shop and buy things while helping support the Unity Network and our goal of Uniting all People’s and Social Movements of the World for Societal Transformation.
Of course there are other options to give:
Umbrella Crowdfunding Campaign: http://wc.tc/unite Donations Link: http://wc.tc/Donate Crowdwill Crowdfunding: http://crowdwill.org/campaigns/category/unity-network/
Thanks for your Support
– Unity Network

Get Involved in Unity Network Global Conference Calls. Connect @UnityMeetings to Signup #Volunteer #Help More Info:

The Unity Network Hosts a variety of Global Conference Calls.
The best way to get involved is to make sure you are on the Email Lists as well as the Facebook and Twitter Groups for the Unity Network, as well as Unity Meetings.

For a List of Other Calendars and Upcoming Meetings look Here: https://unitynet.titanpad.com/Calendars
Because we are a global Network, we schedule our Meeting / conference calls using natural cycles that randomly decide who is going to have to be up in the middle of the night.
You can choose to be involved at different intervals depending on how often you would like to contribute.
The Primary Planetary Triad Calendars have as few as 2-3 Sessions per year, or for all Triads about 10 sessions per year.
We have many different types of Sessions with all different frequencies of involvement from there, and the Lunar Sessions definitely have the highest frequency with as many as 6-10 per month.
Also for people who couldn’t otherwise be involved, we offer small stipends or small hourly wages to get involved as a Unity Network Session Support Staff.
For More information or to get help with the Scheduling contact Jay (415) 323-5833 jay(at)jayslife.net skype a0000d
