Uniting All Peoples & Social Movements of the World For Societal Transformation www.UnityNet.info (415) 323-5822 PO Box 20175 Stanford CA 94309 wc.tc/Donate
Hey Everyone,
It has been a while since I have posted, but there is a LOT of exciting things that are happening.
1st of All the Elections are culminating tomorrow in California, we shall see what happens. But there are a LOT of new activities going on in the Movement with the People rising up with the Bernie Movement to support taking the governments back from the BIG Money Interests. We are starting up weekly conference calls for the Bernie & Peoples Movements on Sunday & Wednesday Evenings.
Additionally we are starting up Weekly Americas & West Coast Conference Calls for overall CommUnity Collaboration along with LIFE Support, Org Support, and Legal Support Calls.
Our next CommUnity Network Call is Tuesday June 7th, 2016 at 7pm PST, 10p EST, 2a UTC. USA #: 712-775-7035 Access Code: 202770 Other Global connection options: http://wc.tc/GlobalCalls
Additionally we will be moving forward with global CommUnity calls, and we encourage EVERYONE to get involved. You can see the entire schedule at this link: http://UnityNet.info/Schedule
We need people to step up as Board Members and Executive Officers. Currently all of our positions are volunteer, but we are working on raising funds. Let us know if your interested no matter what.
Thanks so much for your support of the CommUnity Network, and we will be giving exciting updates in the near future.
The People will Unite and ensure that our world supports the unique expression and Rights of Everyone.
Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera
skypeID: a0000d
PO Box 20175
Stanford CA 94309
PO Box 20175 – Stanford CA 94305 United States – (415) 323-5833
Unity Network Main Pad:
Primary Websites:
About: http://wctc.titanpad.com/Intro2unityNet http://youtu.be/YN7ikbOde8c
Why: http://wctc.titanpad.com/Problems2fix http://youtu.be/Dlm8XAcjku0
How: http://wctc.titanpad.com/Solutions2implement http://youtu.be/R-5futfx5Ag
Posters: http://unitynet.info/docs/posters/
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