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Invitation to Mercury & Full Moon Sessions – Starts at 4:20pm UTC http://bit.ly/1Q1KPTy Join us #Unity #Moon Info:

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all have been well and doing great.

I am writing to invite you for a meeting that will be held tomorrow and we want to invite all our general membership to attend. This is the full moon session and the Mercury session as the focal point for our June 1st-3rd Mercury Asyncrnous Session.

Full Moon: Unity Intro Q&A – http://wctc.titanpad.com/FullMoonSessions
100% – Tue2june 16:19 4:19pm UTC [Quad:EurAfrica]

Mercury Aphileon – http://wctc.titanpad.com/MercurySessions
99.98% Tue2june 19:25 7:25pm UTC [Quad:Americas]

Please attend these meetings if you can, otherwize please check in and introduce yourself on the Asyncrnous Pad to vote and help priorities our work. Bellow are links to the Pads and information.

Thank you for your help,

Jay & Claudia

Unity Session Support Team

5th Mercury Async Pad: https://wctc.titanpad.com/5thMercuryAsyncSession1-3June2015

Here is how you can get onto the Calls:

  • List of All Global Call-in #’s:
  • USA: 1 (712) 775-7035 Access code: 202770

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