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Introduction to the Comprehensive Transformation and Unification Strategy #p2 #p2b #ideas #unity #wctc

Introduction to the Comprehensive Transformation and Unification Strategy #p2 #p2b #ideas #unity #wctc

To expand a little bit on what the Unity Network is doing so you can better decide weather you would like to be involved, there are three phrases which best describe our strategy.

The Comprehensive Plan
Transformation through Unification
All or nothing Approach

It may look like there is so much going on with this work, but the focus is very specific, we are creating a single, prioritized comprehensive plan that includes all aspects of society. Our goal is not step by step linear change in the old fashioned variety. There are 1,000’s of groups and activities working on that, we do not need an other linear changed based organization in the world. We are one of the only organizations working on a model of a transformative comprehensive plan. It may not work, and it may not be the best methodology or strategy, as it is still possible the liniare step by step change based startegy could still work, but it is essential that it is an option in the world and no one else is doing it, as we are getting deeper and deeper in to challenging times.

To explain the idea of transformation versus linear change, we can use the caterpillar to the butterfly metamorphosis. The transformation is comprehensive and takes place at every level of the catipilar simultaneously to create the butterfly. So our strategy is to encourage transformation of society through a comprehensive plan that targets all aspects of society simultaneously.

The comprehensive plan itself will contain a variety of ideas, programs, projects, and organizations, and involve a democratic prioritization system between all the different goals and movements of society. For example, instead of 100 petitions for 100 different issues, we will be creating a single petitions demanding from our elected and non-elected decision makers of the planet to implement the entire comprehensive plan, and all 100 issues simultaneously. Its really that simple. Although instead of 100, we will probably narrow it down to about 10 or so to start out with.

An other way of looking at it would be the concept of pitting women’s rights, against gay rights, against ending the slave trade/sex trade, against animal rights, against you name it . . . there are so many crisis and issues going on in the world. Why should one movements rights be more important than an other’s rights. We want UNITY between all of the Movements, and have all of the Movements demand all of our rights. What we are saying is simply that we want ALL of it, and we want ALL of it NOW! At some point someone in the world needs to stand up and say, it is not enough for just me to get my rights at the expense of other people staying oppressed. The all or nothing stance is a dangerous one though, and it is really just a negotiating block, but nonetheless an important option that needs to be considered in the context of doing unto others what you would want them to do for you.

The key to understand transformation, and this is the same for the caterpillar; everything looks the messiest and craziest right at the point of transformation. And then, and only then, does everything re-settle back into order and stability. In many ways this is exactly what is going on in our society where our whole society is getting more and more chaotic, and this is exactly what happens when you come up to a transformation moment. Our Network has the goal of Uniting a society that is in a chaotic state, so that chaotic state is reflected somewhat in our network, but simultaneously we are building in structure so that it makes sense, with the primary focus, at this point in time, being the Community Elections where we take this huge “soup” of chaos and confusion of issues, ideas, movements, actions, and projects, and prioritize them into a nice neat list of goals that we can reach one step at a time, as part of the larger comprehensive plan. Yet even though we focus on one step at a time, the broad goal of the comprehensive plan is that we want ALL of it to be implemented simultaneously. The best way to do this is to focus on the issue of all issues, the movement of all movements, the key issue that can be the catalyst for everything else to fall into place. And that issue, for us, is simply the winner of the Community Elections. From there everything will follow. Again it could take months or even years to get to that point of having a clear focus. For now we have a ‘soup’ of possibilities, more or less the same as it was during the occupy movement which also saw this soup of options with no clear focus. We are just taking that one step further to attempt to bring order from chaos.


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