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Happy 4/20 Happy Easter & Happy Happy #420 #Hemp #Community #Legalize #MedicalMarijuana #Give #JBJC #Unity #u #i #f


Happy 4/20 Happy Easter & Happy Happy #420 #Hemp #Community #Legalize #MedicalMarijuana #Give #JBJC #Unity #u #i #f

Happy 420 everybody,

Today, April 20th, 2014 is a day to remember the hard struggle that the Cannabis Movement has had in combating fear and power to give individuals their rights to have access to their medicine. Although the movement has come a long way in the last decade, we have not even achieved half of our goals. We can not forget the ultimate vision just because some of us in California, Colorado, and other states have the ability to meet our own individual needs. When one is imprisoned unfairly anywhere, we all suffer.

There are many states where medicinal marijuana is still very illegal, even when alcohol and other drugs are legal, including pharmaceuticals, which can be much worse for your body and can be much more addictive. We also cannot forget about ending national prohibition, as it is no different than the days of prohibition on alcohol. Furthermore it is also important to consider other individuals needs across the world to get access to medicine that can improve their lives at a fraction of the cost of monopolized pharmaceutical drugs that have worse side effects.

Yet on the global level there is one aspect of the Cannabis movement that California, Colorado, and the United States has completely fallen short on. That is the access to use the Cannabis plant to change the foundation of our economy. Cannabis fibers, also known as Hemp, offer the ability to create a multitude of products that are the foundation to our economic systems including paper, oils, energy, and food. Many forget that although it may now be legal to smoke marijuana in certain states, it is still illegal to turn the plant into something as simple as string or paper. All hemp in the United States, from cereal to wallets must be imported because it is illegal to manufacture hemp in our country. This must change as it can create jobs and increase tax revenue. And there are many ways we can all help out.

Bellow are ways you can help out.

Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera

First of all, help us Legalize Industrial Uses for Hemp by supporting future initiatives and changes to the existing law. There are a coalition of organizations working to get a Ballot Measure to Legalize Hemp in California.
Legalize Industrial Uses for Hemp
Vote Link: http://goo.gl/uBTjWv

In a more general context, you can also support our non-profit Hemp Education Project. The Hemp Education Project goes around the state events to educate people about the uses of Industrial Hemp, and coordinates the mobile Hemp Museum.
Hemp Education Project Support:
Vote Link: http://goo.gl/QkCwsh
Direct Tax Deductible Donation Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WZEGHHSPNA2DC

Lastly if you’d like to get or support the Cannabis Flag we can send you a flag for a donation. The bigger the donation the bigger the flag we can have made. Min $10 donation for a paper version. $20-$30 donation for a small printed flag. Medium and Large flags can be $80-$120+.
Vote Link: http://goo.gl/ltYFHF

To vote for other Flags for the Unity Flag: http://UnityFlag.net

If you’d like to vote on other ideas: http://wc.tc/voteL0

Also stay tuned for the Earth Day Update . . .

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